Saturday, January 10, 2009


One of many 2009 New Year resolutions was to start a blog. Even though I have a lot to learn, I need to start somewhere and tonight,... January 10th I'm starting!

I want to create this little "information area" to get people excited about my new adventure with my studio.

I tested the waters locally over the holidays, and as far as I can tell people are interested in my creation in clay and ceramics. So, now it is time to set up my store with the famous

My friends laugh when they hear me talk about etsy. But, it is truly an incredible marketplace online for crafters and artists.

I hope to have my site "up and selling" by February 1st. I am afraid I have been researching it to death, but...I want to do it right, but... I need to get listing my items and TRY !

My etsy site will be

Please stop by and see my creations, I am ready for this new adventure.

Happy Snow,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cheryl,

    I had a great time tonight building clay creations in your studio and I can't wait to see them finished. I think these will be great on Etsy. Everyone will love them. Anyway, I am happy to be the first commenter on you new blog.

    Bye for now,
